Hey Guys, Skull here again
I want to drop another update on the site to let you know what I will try to bring later. I will be starting my Video Indox Series called The Skull Box. I'll probably grab the questions from the Inbox.exe forum and also from my email [email protected]. I also did have a new intro done for me by another forum member, I would like to thank VidFellow for making the new intro! Here is an outline of videos to come for this week and next month
- Guide to Securing Your Home Network: MAC Address Authentication (will be using a netgear router), Wireless vs Ethernet, Plugging directly into a Modem vs Router, VPN's and more to come.
- More Build Your Own PC's: Cheapest Possible, $350, $450, $600, $850, and $1000 and I will try in incorperate Nvidia, AMD and Intel parts in each video pending on budget
- The Skull Box
- (Pending) Skull Tek
- VLog Videos (that will always be unplanned lol)
- Differend Q&A Videos
- One or Two Video Reviews
If you think there is something I might be able to include in this list, leave a suggestion on this blog post or email me :) Looking forward to get these videos done.