Video, "Talking Storage with Allyn Malventano" Really interesting

Just wanted to say I really enjoyed that…yes, I’ve been playing with FreeNAS for around 4 months now, in preparation for a live install.

I had to watch some bits twice as I didn’t know what they were talking about, good though!

Mod: If this is in the wrong place, do move it :+1:


wait, it’s live? Nice…

oh. On patreon the other day. I’d rather wait. Thanks though!

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Worth the wait…glad I didn’t do any spoilers!

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I knew him from PCPer and he was genuinely the only storage reviewer with tons of knowledge under his belt. Shame TWiT stopped supporting their podcast.

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He made up some benchmarking tools for drives, which seemed to actually look at stuffs that matter.

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Now Non-Patreons can watch!


This is responding the more recent one talking Optane.

You sure you want to end up on r/itsaunixsystem, Wendell? cause using stock footage is how you end up on that subreddit.

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