Video Render Rig

Hi Logan, Wendell, Pistol and the rest of the team I don't know about.  As titled I looking to build a decent video render rig/gaming rig. I currently have a system which is very much capable for gaming.  But does not clock very well with the current cpu/mobo combo.  2500k w/ P8P67 I found that it will not overclock at all.  This could be a pooor chip or motherboard.

I am looking to move i7 3770k or 4770k.  Current funds do allow for this purchase but I am in two minds whether I should possibly wait for Ivy-E.

If you're not getting Haswell-E here is my suggestion.

The 4770k does better than the 3770k at stock. But if you know how to overclock I suggest you get the 3770k and overclock it to get better performance for a few reasons, It is cheaper and gets cheaper, mobo aswell. And it takes up less wattage and has much lower heat making you able to overclock it further.