Hi @jode
I am sorry, but I am still not grasping this. When I hear snapshots, I think of Synology’s snapshots where they are more like a restoration point than a copy of the data.
I’ll simplify the breadth of what the intended action is from throughout the topic:
The server will have two storage pools. 1 made of HDD and an SSD cache. The second, an array of NVME drives.
The HDD/SSD cache combo will be where all our assets live. Not only final assets, but all assets. When we ingest footage, it goes here, not the NVME ssd’s. PDF, MOV, MP4, WAV, AEP, PPROJ, etc. every file goes here.
Example: the “1. Client Asset Library” is where all footage, audio, everything goes. Every .MOV, .WAV, .AI we’ve created or been sent by a client goes there in a subfolder for that specific client.
Where as “2. Client Project FIles” is where all the documentation made, . PPROJ, .AEP, etc. files go.
Folder structure:
The NVME drives will be all current projects are edited off of. No footage is stored on these NVME drives, only the project files themselves and deliverable files.
Folder structure:
All I am asking, is why can I not setup automated copy/pastes of the files on the NVME’s to go to the HDD every day/Sunday/whatever? How specifically are snapshots different (as simple as possible please)? Replacing outdated files with updated ones and since we’re talking about ONLY PROJECT FILES, KB or MB’s of files each max. I need the actual data to be usuable, openable, and resuable and reopenable at a later date again. If it’s anything like Synology BTFRS snapshots, I don’t see that to be an alternative to this solution. Please advise.
Again, I am coming from only knowing Synology, ASustor, etc. And I don’t really understand what you laid out at this time. From my understanding, snapshots create a “restore point”/pseudo-copy of the data that is not actually individually accessible, unless the snapshot is re-deployed. Which is counter intuitive since that would bring any updated data back to an uncompleted state. Maybe explain this to me as if I was a preschooler…
The entire diagram already shared I was led to believe (and created to confirm this solution) was a good way to go about this: