Video Editing Questions

My questions are for whoever edits your Tek Syndicates videos. I have a small youtube channel myself related to RC cars and trucks and occasionally electronics in general. Others may be able to answer these questions as well but Im curious to hear answers from someone who has done a lot of content creation and worked with a lot of different hardware setups.

Heres the specs to my current video editing rig as they may be relevant to the questions. Im building a newer beefier machine and Im kinda wondering what way to go on some things.

AMD 8320 OC'd to 4.5Ghz

gigabyte ga-990fxa-ud3 rev 4

16GB 1866 DDR3 Corsair RAM

256GB 840 EVO SSD

GTX 660ti

Also using PowerDirector 12 Ultra if it matters.

1) Would I benefit more from putting a second GTX 660ti in SLI (thereby saving me some money) or buying a single GTX 970 to run in it? Ive read online that dual 660Tis benchmark roughly the same as a single titan but thats for gaming. Im not sure that it would necessarily weigh in about the same in terms of video editing. The other reason Im thinking of dropping in a second 660Ti is because Im building my new PC in a Corsair 900D and a single card just looks so small in that giant case. If I could swing dual GTX970's or a single GTX980 would that be something I should think about doing or is that just overkill? Thoughts?

2) When Im editing video Im usually working with two different 1080p videos and a separate audio track. When working on my current rig when I make some sort of change like say I make a cut in the videos and audio track the program will freeze for a few seconds and then it will show the splits but then it takes several more additional seconds in order to free up and then allow me to continue on with editing. What do i need to do to my system to allow me to make changes with no lag and preferably like to do it without using shadow copy if possible. The only reason Im using shadow copy now is because my system chokes even more than it does now if I dont use it.

3) I know upgrading from 16GB of RAM to 32MB will speed up render times to some degree but other than that are there any other benefits I would see from running more than 16GB of RAM? I ask this because if i watch RAM usage will Im editing I dont think it hardly ever goes above 6-8GB used so it seems like maybe outside of faster rendering it wouldnt really help that much.

4) The new machine Im building will be running a 4770K, will that CPU be better than the 8320 or is it about the same?

5) PowerDirector seems to be a decent program for editing but it seems like there could very well be better software out there to use that doesnt take a college degree to use it. (Im thinking Adobe Premiere here lol) Any suggestions on other programs to try? Id really like something that can sync all my video and audio files by sound at the touch of a button. I know the latest PowerDirector 13 can sync video files like that but for some reason the developers didnt think to include audio tracks in with that. It will only sync the videos and then you still have to sync the audio file by hand.

I know thats a lot of questions but Im really curious about this stuff as I find myself getting more and more involved in it. :)


Thanks in advance :)

can anyone give me any feedback on what I need in terms of what hardware to use that will not only give me a great gaming PC but also a great video editing PC? From everything Ive been reading it seems you need different hardware for each but it seems like there should be a way to balance it out for both.