Video Editing Machine

I'm looking for a video editing machine to do alot of heavy lifting and rendering in premiere pro cs6. 

I haven't built a pc in awhile and my memory is kinda rusty, and I haven't kept track off all the new stuff that's coming out.

My budget is around $800-900 Australian Dollars. The only good Australian PC site is PC Case Gear, everything else is pretty much garbage.

  • I'll probably use an SSD and a two terabyte hard drive
  • 16 gigs of Ram - is g skill ripjaw ram suitable for this?
  • Asrock motherboard
What CPU should I get? I'm open to suggestions... I was thinking of maybe an Intel i7 but I don't know if it will do the job or is still relevant to use.

I want something that's reliable and won't fumble around too much. I built a different PC awhile ago and I think the RAM wasn't properly installed and made it prone to memory crashes. I just want something that's a workhorse and obviously I can't have it crash while it's rendering in Premiere.

Is the budget enough for a video editing machine or should I pay more? Is there something new and cool coming around the corner? 

What would I need for a dedicated Editing machine? I don't want to play any video games or anything else on it. I already have a monitor and a mouse and keyboard, but I'm partial to buying a new mechanical ducky keyboard. 

Is there anything you can recycle to help pull this together? Looking at the prices you're not going to get very far on that budget. Also, what type of footage are you working with?