I'm looking for a video editing machine to do alot of heavy lifting and rendering in premiere pro cs6.
I haven't built a pc in awhile and my memory is kinda rusty, and I haven't kept track off all the new stuff that's coming out.
My budget is around $800-900 Australian Dollars. The only good Australian PC site is PC Case Gear, everything else is pretty much garbage.
- I'll probably use an SSD and a two terabyte hard drive
- 16 gigs of Ram - is g skill ripjaw ram suitable for this?
- Asrock motherboard
I want something that's reliable and won't fumble around too much. I built a different PC awhile ago and I think the RAM wasn't properly installed and made it prone to memory crashes. I just want something that's a workhorse and obviously I can't have it crash while it's rendering in Premiere.
Is the budget enough for a video editing machine or should I pay more? Is there something new and cool coming around the corner?
What would I need for a dedicated Editing machine? I don't want to play any video games or anything else on it. I already have a monitor and a mouse and keyboard, but I'm partial to buying a new mechanical ducky keyboard.