Video card choice!

Soooo, im in need of a new card. I was hoping someone could help with choice, these are my pics so far

kind of aiming for the 7870, but not sure.

Thanks for any help you gals and guys got

They're the same GPU (both are GCN with same core count, TMU count, and ROP). Same price, very similar coolers, if not identical. The difference is OC. The 270X has a 30MHz disadvantage in core clock, but has a 200MHz (800MHz effective) advantage in memory clocks. Personally, I'm leaning towards the 270X, plus it looks better.

They are pretty much the same thing, find the better looking one. if you dont mind mail in rebates

Would the ASUS be better? I mostly just game.


The 270X is a 7870, the one I linked is $50 cheaper than your cards after the MIR and should overclock better. Tiger Direct almost never has better prices than Newegg, Amazon and NCIX in Canada.


I think if I am not mistaken that the 270x can take advantage of Mantle and the standard HD 7870 can't.


You are mistaken any GCN video card can use Mantle any (AMD) card starting with the HD7450 and up are GCN architecture and can use mantle.

Just remember that the 270x (like the 7870) has 2GB/256 bit so if you are using/planning to use multi-monitor setup, you will be hard pressed.  Other than that, I believe that the 2GB/256 bit combo will do okay in most of the current titles.

Good luck with your choice....