VFIO Setup or Stick with what I have

Hi all,

New here in the forum but a long time watcher. Trying to decide on a future project and if I should “invest” my time.

Current primary setup. I have a Intel i7-7820X riding on a ASrock X299 Taichi XE mobo with 48GB of RAM, 2 512GB NVME drives. Displays are run by a Nvidia 1070 TI and I will soon have possession of an additional Radeon RX560. This machine run Windows 10

Secondary setup: Intel i5-6500 with 16GB of RAM and a 512GB NVME drive sitting on a ASRock STX mini platform. This machine runs Ubuntu 19.10 for general use.

I run Synergy between these two and have dual monitors, one OS on each. I’m seriously considering moving everything to my larger rig and using Ubuntu as the host OS and using VFIO for a Windows VM to do gaming and the other small functions I need Windows for.

My thoughts are this gives me a better way to to rely on a more stable OS as the host, I can backup my Windows VM for speedy recovery if needed, and I can run other Linux VM’s for bleeding edge software testing for curiosity.

My concern is I may giving up a relatively stable environment for a constant project scenario? What type of stability have others had with their VFIO setups? Have they weathered updates mostly fine, etc.?

Another add-on question: Does anyone here see issues with VFIO and the hardware mentioned?