VFIO Community Survey Results -- interesting data about passthrough gaming/gamers

The first round of datapoints just go published from the survey over at reddit.com/r/vfio :

We’ll be building a compat database and other nifty tools and content from the data, so let me know what you think here.


I found this results interesting;

Arch Linux is a sleeping giant … The Survey puts it at more than half of the users in the community

I somewhat expected this. I had long suspected it was due the fact that the more end-user focused distros don’t accrue the ones who really want to push the latest in bleeding-edge technology/methods.

It will be quite the day when this goes mainstream.

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the fact it’s popular isn’t surprising, but the degree of popularity is. I’ve never seen a poll where arch dwarfed every other major distro combined

Most probably due pretty good documentation on VFIO & pci passthrou on archwiki tho.

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yep, it’s pretty much the resource at the moment, hence us trying to build this new news site. Only 40 more patrons till we can afford the node servers to run a forum and add a bunch of other site features (compat matrix, live configurator, search for articles and tutorials based on your lspci output, etc)

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link to the full survey results here:


When/If this happens there will be something else even more bleeding edge to switch to. Maybe EDGYlinuxTM

it’s mainly the quality of life on arch for VFIO stuff is better at the moment. precompiled ACS patched kernels, no apparmor/selinux profiles by default, etc.