Hello guys, I have a very specific situation. I am soon moving and am in need of a network upgrade, For a very large number of devices at the same time (5-14 possibly more). I will already have a top of the line network speed but would like insight on how to optimize the load more efficiently.
access points to a switch to your router? something like https://www.ubnt.com/unifi/unifi-ap/
set them up so people can roam between them auto connecting to closest/strongest signal
Some more info is needed
as qain has said. what application/ layout speeds expected what makes you need a more optimized network then what you have?
14 devices is not a lot.
What kind of devices?
10 mobile? (tablet, phones, laptops)
4 desktop or other wired devices?
Probably 8 mobile 6 wired
Possibly More depending on the time but at a lot of the time that would be average
You really don't need anything special then, a decent router and a decent switch and you're done.
That's what I thought but was looking for specific hardware recommendations.
What kind of throughput are you looking for? just the standard gigabit?
Yeah, I found a few options but am still looking. (Sorry I am pretty new to networking)
@The_sir_dylan To expand on this question; what kind of environment, home users? multi story home? do you have access to the house wiring? Is it a business? What kind of ISP do you have? 10Mbit? 100Mbit? 1000Mbit Fiber?
might be a little over kill but should be good for expansion http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320091
and probably this
the switch will change depending on how much you want to mess with it and different features.
That's not a bad combination, Though, getting an Ubiquity AP would be a better WiFi option if he has a bigger obstructed area.
Ya it defiantly depends on his setup/location/objects in relation to devices.
It is a large 2 story home with 100Mb/s wireless being hooked up.
Was looking at the Nighthawk X6 AC3200 but don't know if it is overkill.