Very interesting ... CPU Popularity ratings in the Last 30 Days

Very interesting ... 

CPU Popularity in the Last 30 Days

This chart comparing the relative popularity of different CPUs is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily. This chart gives a daily indication of which types and models of Intel CPUs and AMD CPUs are most popular overall for use in desktop PCs, server machines, laptops and netbooks. The top 100 in terms of most baseline submissions are placed into this chart.


It surprises me that the 8350 is the second CPU in that list.

Why do you find that surprising? From a purely price to performance ratio (especially since they are always on sale in the $120 to $130 range) it's a great CPU. Sure compared to an i7 it will cost you a few extra $ a year on your power bill and sure the it was never the fastest most efficient thing in the world but what it does/can do, with 8-cores, at the prices you can find it at if you shop around makes it a really good "value" buy.

I'd second that, a 8350 is a shit hot CPU for very little money. Gets my vote over an expensive i7 every time.

On most forums, 8350's are rarely recommended, most people recommend i5's or i7's.

They are seriously fast and if it's good enough for Wendell, it's good enough for me.


I've never said the 8350 is a bad CPU, I think it's quite good for the price. But it's only on Teksyndicate that I see it recommended frequently.

It may not be recommended a lot but price wins. People will get what works well and is cheapest regardless of advice a lot of the time. 

Hmm that's a good point.

Why would an i7 be on top though?

people tend to think that they need more power that they actually need, so If someone that doesn't care about price too much just go asking whta i the fastescpu!?? and then the answer is clear....


I remember a big argument with my father because he wanted a i7 laptop, whe for what he does an i3 or dual core apu is more than enough...

I think that for real view on the sells you have to look at these

The lis of best sells at


the best sellers list of Tigerdirect:

if you dont find it it's in the bottom left

Can't find the newegg best sellers list

Must be all those Intel ads on the TV. When is the last time you saw a TV ad for AMD. I can't remember any.

Overclock the 8350 about 600-800 MHz and it's single core performance will get close to that of an i5. For utlities requiring more cores, it is the better buy. Games will utilize more cores in the future, and for less than half the price of the i7 I could never recommend the 4790k. If you have enough for the 4790k literally wait a little longer and get the 5820k. Otherwise, the 8350 is king. However if you can try to grab the 8370 for a tad more as its binned higher.