Venturing into unexplored land (About to start playing TES games)

Hi everyone,

Relatively new to The Elder Scrolls series of games. I've never played one for more than five minutes, but I have been acutely aware of their existence since seeing Oblivion as an Xbox 360 launch title. I have now taken to the idea of playing it on my PC, including mods. I spent two good afternoons this weekend to install a massive load of visual mods and patches to my Steam purchase of the game following the instructions of 'Culveyhouse', an amazing YouTuber who explained in great detail on how to go about it in a series of instructional videos. Anyway, I just wanted to create a forum post to raise awareness for the game again seeing as it's hardly new anymore. Any of you folk play it recently, let me know what you think to it? - Link to the video instructions. 

TES games are revered on PC. Still widely enjoyed.

Bet you're glad you shifted from console?

I have to admit I made the jump from console around the announcement of the Nintendo Wii. I was loyal to Nintendo since the SNES era, but felt let down after the GameCube. I got into PC gaming quite late, I'd already bought myself the Xbox 360 and had been happily addicted to such first-person shooters as Halo 2 and 3. Little did I realise what was going on in PC Gaming Land... A friend of mine introduced me to CS:S and my Xbox 360 was an attic doorstopper for a very long time. As for RPG series, I've not really had a great deal of time playing them, the last good RPG I got lost in was Final Fantasy IX. With Oblivion looking the way it's looking after all these mods it's gonna be 'Goodbye Social Life' for a number of weeks.

There's games that you might add to your list of considerations. If you enjoy TES, you should try the Fallout titles. The list could go on. No shortage of community-made items, maps, mods for various games.

You can search Steam Workshop for any games that are supported. Alternately, there are sites like Nexus mods - but I am sure you're already familiar with that.

Mount and Blade: Warband is a bit of an RPG/RTS game, plenty of mods for it. Looks like a low budget production, but it is some of the best fun I have had. A new experience each time I play, like a big never-ending story.