Vega 56 - no fan, tach light or activity


I am hoping someone can help!

I recently bought a second hand reference Vega 56 from ebay cheap as the seller said it was faulty. They said it powered on and the fan went to 100% straight away and there was no display

I plugged it in on my Pc and I get the radeon light come on but nothing else. No fan, no red tach lights and it doesn’t even get warm. My PC still powers up with the inbuilt gpu and the Vega doesn’t get detected

If I leave it unplugged from the 8 pin power and just using power from the pcie port I get nothing

I tried connecting one 8 pin power at a time and I don’t get any activity on the left port(closest to the edge) and only get the radeon light on the right one

Tested it in my two pcie slots and also in a known working pc and get the same

My other gpu (6700xt) works fine in this PC so it isn’t a power supply issue or motherboard issue

Took it apart and it all looks OK except for the two chips near the 8pin power connectors that look rusted
Also on the back there is the black marks on the pins but I am not sure what they do!
I have misplaced my multimeter so can’t check it yet until I get a new one

Has anyone had any luck with a similar issue? Any ideas on what to check first and if you think the chips on the front are the culprit

Quick glance at the corrosion, possibly water damage. If you can send it back do so since it does not even do what the seller said it does.

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As @Mastic_Warrior said, this indeed looks like liquid damage. Those “chips” are inductors and they’re probably fine (easy to check with a multimeter, they should be conducting with a resistance value in the 10 - 100 Ohm range).

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Thanks guys!

I have my brother who is an electrical engineer taking a look at it. Hopefully he can see what has happened and if he can replace anything. (his soldering skills are far far better than mine)

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