I'm working on a project for my college class using VB.net with Visual Studio.
This is the first coding I've really started trying to write by myself and I'm stumped on some stupid simple stuff. If anyone could help that would be great.
I need to display the Date in a textbox on startup of the application.
Right now I have...
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim txtDate As String
txtDate = Now
MyTime = Format(txtDate, "dd mm yyyy")
End Sub
It doesn't throw any errors so my assumption is that I've written code that requires an action to display the date...
As much as I'd love to do a different project or learn a "real" language to code in... I don't think my prof would aproove... I'm only taking VB because it is a prereq for Java and C+ classes... (Which makes no since)
I'd really love all the help I can get! Also thanks for the help Enko!