V300 on Massdrop?

V300 vote on mass drop



V300 is kinda crap. Maybe at less than $50 it is worth it but even then I'd stay away.

Again, pls elaborate why do you think V300 is crap. I have one, my 3 friend each has one, with no problems. I would really like to know.

I did. I responded to your post on the last thread where you asked.... But here I'll copy paste it for you here.

They used to be okay but then Kingston changed the supplier of their NAND. It was Toshiba toggle mode NAND then they changed it to some brand of asynchronous stuff. Runs at about a quarter to a third of the speed. Plus the firmware was updated and it is terrible. The drives can't reach anywhere near the manufacturers stated specs. They run at about 80-150MB/sec on reads and like 50MB on writes. Doesn't mater if it is with compressible or uncompressible data. That is about the same speed as a regular HDD. Plus, they have higher failure rates.


Here is the article on it.

Or you can just go to Amazon and read reviews of the drive. The latest ones all say it sucks.


The Crucial MX100 is a much better drive. Better flash and it doesn't use the frankly terrible Sandforce controller either. Plus it is only like $8 more.

Topic moved!

next time pleast post in the correct section!

Thank you for sharing. I did not catch your post before.

Is there a way to tell what type of NAND i have based on serial number or something? I have currently firmware 521ABBF0, but thats not relevant.

As for now, my speeds seem ok, if it starts to slow down, i will return it to dealer.