In Senheiser we trust (HD555 are my current from 2004), or do we go with el moda whom are to be tested?
Genres to be listened to… Dance / Rock / Dub step / FL Studio / Classical / Pop
I love bass, then accent on not full top end or mid but inbetwen, my EQ usually always look like this (if i can represent it here).
If I had a 12 BAND EQ
3 1 0 0 1 2 3 3 2 0 -1
Variants from that from that as my norm. But I am using very used old head phones HD 555.
I have the M100s. The sound is clean, bass is full, yet tight and highs don't burst ear drums (looking at you DT990s). Build quality is also top notch. Even the hinges, which are usually the weakest part on collapsible headphones, are robust. Only recommendation I have is to get the XL earpads for $20 if you wear headphones for pretty much whole day sessions and/or have big ears.
I've never used the M50/M50x myself, but I do know that it's a good brand and those headphones I would say must be pretty decent since they have just over 2,000 ratings on Amazon averaging 4.7/5.0. The biggest thing that put me off of them was that it appears that the connector for the cable/headphone connection appears to be semi-proprietary, which I don't particularly care for.
Amazon have the VM100 for £219, I found them on various websites for £150 (google shopping tab), I'm going with you on this one. :) May they last as long as my HD555 have (9 or 10 years for £66 at the time lol).
Ok VM100 has arrived, have been using it... Here is my review:
IT'S NOT OVER EAR, THEY ARE ON EAR.... Very small cans (my HD555 are over my ears)
Bass is - Good, some say too strong, I still crank up the bass on WinAmp EQ
Good build quality
Comes with cables for mobile use, are they not for use with hi-fi?
Cables supplied are short
Cables supplied, no instructions that 3 bar 3.5mm go in headphones or 6.5mm jack (experimentation gave me the answer - sound was mono till I got this worked out)
Very very very nice headphone pad material, OH MY GOD I want bedding and pillows made out of this stuff!
For headphones that sit on my ears, I've not experienced any issues with ache over time or sweat..... Impressive.
AND FOR SOUND.... Nice. Not that loud, I am EQ compensating for some tracks but its good. Nicer bass than Senheiehihiasoihdaos-er but Sen are def better mid / top (from a HD555 comparison view which were bought in 2004 ish).
Bought them from ebay from honk kong fuey for 1/4 the price they are on amazon, were they the real ones? Yes.
Nice carry case
Impressive box, I've not seen many items presented or boxed this way, more impressive than apple.
Conclusion Damn nice. Very nice. I'm not sure that I should have gone with the high end actual over ear Senheiser however. But i'm a 9/10 on them. Nice. Now for the test of time.
VMODA makes XL earpads for their headphones. They give much more space around the ear and are much more comfortable in my opinion. They're ~42mm side to side internally rather than the ~37mm of the stock pads on the M100/LP2/LP. They run US$20, so they shouldn't be too expensive in your neck of the woods either. Same with cables, VMODA makes a couple different types (I'm not sure why they didn't come with a basic 3.5mm to 3.5mm either).
50mm on vmoda m100, they just sit on my ears, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest which I am very very surprised about. My SenH555 must be like 80mm or something to go around my ears and not touch them lol
V-MODA Most excellent build quailty and ear padding which is by far the best material I've ever felt, I want bedding made out of this stuff.
Bass is very good, very good, but 80% good, but an EQ can get about 80% there with shit headphones.
Overall quality, very nice, damn nice, soo very nice.
CONS: Quiet and they say over ear, over ear for people with ears the size of peanuts but sit on my ears. But with this material it don't bother me at all. Where as my senheisers would.
Senheiser HD 666 They actually are over the ear plastic, solid, cracked, but did last 10 years. Louder than the vmoda, but i would like to play with the eq a lot more than when im where the vmoda.
VModa puts vibrations into my ears, sen nope....... I'm not quite a 100% classical old man yet. Sen. Might want to adapt i say.
Overall.. Vmoda, conculsion. A hybrid would be OMG sooo goood.
V-Moda is epic, fancy box, too small, most excellent build 90%. DAMN : yes :) Buy from ebay hongkong for 1/4 or 1/3 the price.