Hey all!
Long time listener first time caller, I’m currently in the process of migrating my homelab from a mix of services running on proxmox/bare metal windows all to TrueNAS Scale. My problem that I’m running into is that my setup relies 2 things that I’m finding Truecharts/TrueNAS apps difficult to make work with, I used different VLANs/subnets as DMZs for different internet accessible services, including one subnet which routes to the internet via an OpenVPN tunnel to a VPN provider on my Opnsense firewall. Additionally, all of my media is stored on my QNAP NAS and accessed via SMB shares which I hoped to maintain. I’ve read some guides on using MetalLB to manage the inbound traffic this way, but I’m not sure it will work for the outbound traffic as I need certain apps to go outbound in certain subnets.
At this point I’m unsure if my best bet is just to use docker containers in TrueNAS and build the apps manually attached the bridge interfaces for the VLANs, but I was hoping to use the Truecharts apps to keep automatic updates for easier management long term.
Let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide!