Using nVidia Quadro (T2000) and eGPU with a GTX (1080) together


A new dilemma! :slight_smile:

I might be receiving a laptop with an onboard nVidia Quadro T2000 GPU (Lenovo ThinkPad P1 gen3 if you’re interested, and no, I don’t want to wait for gen4 and 11gen Intel CPU).

I do have an eGPU enclosure with an nVidia GTX 1080 inside, which works reasonably well with a laptop with Intel iGPU.

I would like to have the new laptop also work with this eGPU setup, GTX 1080 being clearly superior to the T2000, also with easy upgrade path in the future.

However, what bothers me is how the nVidia drivers will play with each other (if at all). The Quadro uses different driver package than the GTX on the nVidia website. Also, I’d probably want to use OEM drivers from Lenovo rather than stock nVidia for the Quadro, for system stability reasons (unless there are reasons not to).

Will I end up with two sets of nVidia drivers installed? Will they work alongside each other? Has anyone tested this somehow? Will the nVidia control panel see both cards?

cheers, :slight_smile:

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