I am converting couple file using handbrake to H.264MKV. Right now I have on machine that is running AMd 3700x and amd rx5700xt. I notice most of the load is going to CPU. Would it be much better on 2070 super? Which current busy with cuda load. The short question is does Nvidia cuda work on Handbrake?
Perhaps look into making sure VCE is enabled?
A 2070 probably would do better, even though handbrake doesn’t support cuda it does support nvenc, which is better than AMD’s VCE
Thanks that was helpful
Stick with software (CPU) encoding unless you need speed.
You’ll be able to get better ‘quality’ at lower bit rates.
H265 encoding on Turing GPUs is REALLY good. If you’re fine with H265, Handbrake can use Turing’s NVENC to give you a high quality file in H265 at a slight space savings.
In this case I used Cpu. As all my good nvidia cards were in use 2070 Super, 1080(Water cold from factory) , 1070 TI,and 2060 Max Q. I am upcasting older TV show to about 1080. That program I use can use cuda. I can also run cpu but that would take forever. Also as note 2060 Max Q is is actually do fairly good job of keeping up. It is running on pair with 1080.
I used basically used software encode I did turn on AMD GPU optimization for hand brake. However it run the cpu ran at 95% load. The gpu was doing something but not lot work the clock speed of the gpu was above idle. It also was not at full clock speed. The cpu that was in that machine was AMD 3700x for what is worth. I did the process in about 3 hour. The was about 2 hour of contain.
I did another run as messed up the audio settings. Then set Quality slow it took about 7 hours.
Use Video2X and FFmpeg. That will give better results upscaling compared to using Handbrake.
I will look into that
And Nvidia CUDA DNN is better than OpenCL for this purpose.