Using Ethernet and Wifi at the same time

Hey everyone,

So I find myself in need of using both my Hard Ethernet line and my Wifi at the same time. I've got an automation software that runs on the Ethernet, but I need to also have internet access which I can gain via wireless.

At the moment, I'm having to switch back and before enabling and disabling connections which is getting really boring. I also need to have someone TeamViewer in to walk me through a specific task.

A quick Google search brought me to this:

Any one ever used it or have something along the same lines that will allow me to force my Automation software down the hardline while the rest of the computer uses Wifi?

Does the equipment you are connecting the Ethernet  line to need to be directly connected to the PC? In a very basic fundamental way that's what a router is doing , dividing traffic across multiple connections. Why could you not connect your PC to router and machine to router and then simply route ports accordingly inside the router?
I can see maybe if the software running on the PC is emulating a serial connection via Ethernet, other wise if it communicates with the hardware using TCP or IP or UDP, the router should be able to handle this for you.
Of course I could be totally off in left field and wrong about your situation. =) 

Carl, I had thought about that, unfortunately there's no way for me to get hard line internet to my part of the shop without drilling holes in concrete.

Now, the machines I'm controlling do work down a specific port. Could I close every port on my ethernet except the one I need, then on my wireless, block that one port, and have it work?

How about a PowerLine Adapter -

Honestly though I have no idea why both connections would not work at same time. If internet is not available on one one connection it should automatically use the wifi.
Interesting problem. Let me know what you end up doing. And if I can be of more help glad to be anytime. 

I think in theory if you do what you are saying with the ports it should work, but I'm not sure how exactly you would go about that, other than to use software like what you linked. Windows firewall may let you do it, but from what i can tell the Windows firewall is across all connections, not specific adapters. So not sure...?