Using cd command

My younger self in this thread was extremely cringe worthy :upside_down_face:

Enclose path in quotes ", the space in directory path gets in the way

Try this:
"cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/Windows"

Don't have my linux machine around, but you can't have whitespace between tokens. For terminal conventions, don't split up words and also use lowercase since ext4 is case-sensitive.

Good tip:
Use Tab to autocomplete directory and filenames. It's an unbelievable improvement to workflow.

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Is your name Gabe? If it is, I love you.

You can do this much more quickly by using a wild card (asterisk). When there is a long folder name with spaces, I always do this:

cd ~
cd Virtual*
cd Windows

Yeah, that would be a lot faster for me. Is there a man page for this?

The globbing takes place in the shell, so you most likely want to look in the man page for bash. There is a section on EXPANSION and the subsections Pathname Expansion and Pattern Matching under that are the most relevant, though all the sections are good to be familiar with.