Using a Rasberry Pi as a cheap temporary computer

So, I haven't actually had a computer since August. What I'm wondering is, should I get a tower and use a laptop as a monitor on the 27th. Or, would getting a Rasberry Pi as a cheap alternative just so I have some sort of Youtube access etc and ordering some higher end parts now, then later on finishing off my actual gaming build be a better situation? Here's what I was looking at getting;     Linux OS on an SD drive.     Rasberry Pi with case.   Noctua Push Pull cooler.   Awesome ASUS Monitor w/speakers since I'll mainly be using a headset.  

Didn't know what to say for the last two lols. But I didn't pick out a gpu, mobo, or cpu. Mainly because if I get that stuff Idk how much I'll have to spend on them later on or if the new gen of stuff will be out or not. I've already got  a mouse, mousepad, keyboard, RAM, and DVD drive.

Will the Rasberry Pi be good for internet surfing and other small tasks? Or should I stop beating around the bush and get a tower right now and use the laptop as am monitor for a little?



get something like a gk802 mini pc.

is better for the money than a raspberry pi

I was looking at that exact site. So it comes with an OS installed, can work with a monitor out of the box I won't need to buy any cords, and has 3 USB ports for my keyboard/mouse? If so, I'll get one.

you will need a hdmi cord and a usb hub to use it to its full potential.

actually as it turns out you dont need a hdmi cord as the whole device is one! but you still need a usb hub

Well I've got a USB dock, so I guess I'm good to go!

I don't know why you would buy a Raspberry Pi. It's 100 dollars that you could be putting towards the computer build. It really isn't that hard to even come across some sort of functioning computer for less than 100 dollars anyway. It seems like a waste of money to me.

I love my RaspberryPi but please don'ty use it for a temp computer. There is only so much that it can do before you get stuck in loading limbo. I use it for XBMC but only for when my rig is off or dismantled since I'm not used to waiting for everything to load anymore.

I get little ideas in my head all the time and get over them in 10 minutes. I'm already over it and just going to go with a 6300  7850 build and try to get a summer job.