I was looking to buy a Xeon E5-26xx 8 core used and pair it with a motherboard.
If I had the cash I could get the Asus board, but I have no need for 4 16x and 8x slots.
would something such as an EVGA x79 board be okay http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188129
or even one of the ASRock Extreme3/4/6?
you know...without exploding?
After looking at the spec sheet from EVGA's website I don't believe the Xeon processors are supported on that motherboard. It only mentions the Extreme edition i7 and LGA 2011 i7.
i don't believe vendors are allowed to limit their boards (i was going to say it's impossible, but you could do it by making a limited bios) i don't believe intel allows it, probably just marketing to a different audience that doesn't know about the server chips
So your saying that any cpu technically should work, however, the manufacturer can simply make it unsupported in the bios?
That seems a tiny bit odd...
I didn't know that manufacturers made support lists...and from the looks of it the ASRock boards all sopport about the same models of xeons
I will be going with an ASRock Motherboard I think, as Xeons are listed as Supported