I'm about to buy a 4TB hard drive for my home server which is running Debian. From what I understand that I have to use GPT to partition it in order to access the full 4TB.
I intend on adding it as a network drive with samba. Will other operating systems such as Windows work when mounting the drive, or will I have to perform any other steps to get it all working?
Backups are always wise whatever you do...Everyone learns that the hardway!
I right now just splitted my server in 3 HDD of 2TB and in partitions of 1TB. But good to know reliability gone up. I still hear Bill Gates saying 20 mb is most we ever need....
It seems that leaders of technology never quite see the needs of consumer in the long run. They tend to not see the value of expanded storage, more bandwidth, higher resolution, etc... but hopefully consumers keep demanding MOAR!
What format and partition table you use won't affect how other devices see it on the network. Samba works on top of the file system so as long as the devices have smb they will be able to read and write to the share.