Using 3DCONNEXION SpaceTraveler 3 as Audio / Media Controls?

So I get to have some fun stuff pop in and out of my life every once in a while. The other day my dad tossed a new in package spacetraveler 3 (calling it ST3 the rest of the thread) that he found in a toss out bin at work. So I took it out, its actually a really nice dial.

The last little bit I’ve been annoyed with my audio control on my PC, and holding this thing, while it is just a blown up version of a thinkpad nub, just with a twist function. I know theres people who have these thidngs on the forum, can you map them as just a normal HID controller like any ol’ mouse? Or does it only do CAD things?

1 Like
  1. Very nice find
  2. IIRC the software/driver allowes to map the functions to be whatever you like.

I use a 3DCONNEXION SpaceMouse Compact for electronic and mechanical design work, and can conform that the software allows you to map the mouse buttons (in my case two of them) on a per application level to whatever you like. The 6DOF of the puck however are dedicated to movement - pan/zoom and rotation within the application. HTH.

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