Useful tools for planning my life?

I find myself constantly missing stuff, messing up plans and double booking. I need something that keeps track of my life. I was thinking of something like an on screen widget that reminds me of up coming events and such. Any tips?

As nice as online calenders with event planning etc. are, I highly recommend a physical day planner. If you make a habit of checking it, writing things in it, it becomes very very useful. The bonus of it being physical and kept on your desk or some place is you can't just quit / close it and get it out of sight as easily as closing a widget - this is important if you're a procrastinator

You can set up an owncloud server set up sync for caldav (calender) and files. You can have your phone and email (thunderbird, outlook, etc) set to receive reminders.

Physical planner seems pretty neat. I'll see what I can find. Summer is coming up and I am thinking of working in a routine of writing everything down so that when school rolls around I will already be well versed in the art of not forgetting everything.

Thanks for the replys :)

I use a physical planner and a 5 star notebook. If anyone were to get a hold of my stack of 5 stars they'd probably have the foundations to unified theory or my name in cursive 30 times paying homage to the lost art of written language.

It's a matter of discipline and a good reason to pull yourself from distraction. Using a good speech recognition software can make the digital planner more viable as well.

The most effective way to use a physical planner is the way in which you complete and carry over tasks. Don't allow things to get buried. That's where the discipline comes in. Identify, promote, complete.