i'm looking for a used, small 12" High-Res Laptop/Notebook with more then that crappy 1280x800/1366x786 resolution. The first Problem is: It should not cost more then 250 Euro/330 Dollar. The Second Problem is: There is no Database on older Models other then the Thinkwiki.
Hardwarespecs are pretty non-relevant since it's only going to be used for Typing and some Surfing (Normally i download Youtube Videos, so it doesn't even need a lot of "power" for flash). What is a must have, is a Touchpad and at least a 1440x900/1400x1050 resolution.
Unfortunately the Thinkpads X60/X61/X200 are pretty much a no go because of the missing Touchpad (yes, i know there are a lot of people who love the TrackPoint...^^) and the X201 is to expensive.
I would love to have a HP 2530p, but they are only available with 1280x800 and you probably can't "hack" a 1440x900/1600x900 Display into it.
So: Are there even other Laptops that are "used" with that kind of resolution? I would even go for a X60 with the old Core Duo (right now i'm totally okay with a Turion X2 Ultra^^) :D