Use existing hardware or buy new?

After a few years AFK I am slowly getting back into the custom computer scene. I am about to build my first computer since 2008! Annoucing this too my geek buddies they happily gave me access to some of their hardware. Which includes the following:

  • i5 2300
  • 8GB of DDR3 
  • WD 1TB black edition

Don't I have awesome friends? So my question is this; I am going to build a gaming itx system, should I use the FREE parts that were given to me or buy more powerful parts? I would like to overclock, so I know the 2300 won't be any good in that regard. Oh, and the games I will mostly playing will be Skyrim, FC3, Crysis 3 and whatever else that comes out and looks sweet!

Almost forgot to mention that my budget is $1500. I am in Australia too so I haven't got the luxury of decent online retailers like you guys in USA. 

What do you guys think?



use the ram and hard drive. keep the cpu around, you never know, you might want to build a server or something. if your going itx, keep in mind that they don't usually have much room for hard drives, graphics cards, or cpu coolers. myself, I don't think i'd want an itx rig, except maybe as a router, not enough room for me. but that's just my preference...


for retailers, check out


Thanks Commissar, 

The only reason I'm going for itx is because majority of my weekends will be at a mates place gaming and taking advantage of fast internet. 

ah, lol

then look into the CM storm scout case. it has handles, and is fairly spacious for a mid tower. itx is smaller, but not much lighter...