After a few years AFK I am slowly getting back into the custom computer scene. I am about to build my first computer since 2008! Annoucing this too my geek buddies they happily gave me access to some of their hardware. Which includes the following:
- i5 2300
- 8GB of DDR3
- WD 1TB black edition
Don't I have awesome friends? So my question is this; I am going to build a gaming itx system, should I use the FREE parts that were given to me or buy more powerful parts? I would like to overclock, so I know the 2300 won't be any good in that regard. Oh, and the games I will mostly playing will be Skyrim, FC3, Crysis 3 and whatever else that comes out and looks sweet!
Almost forgot to mention that my budget is $1500. I am in Australia too so I haven't got the luxury of decent online retailers like you guys in USA.
What do you guys think?