USB ''sleep'' after a while Ubuntu 20.04

What i mean is, after the system run for a while, when i plug in new usb things ( mouse and keyboard, external drives, usb key) it doesnt seems to detect anything plugged in… when the OS is freshly booted, no problem.

The motherboard is an Asus crosshair x570, maybe it would be a hardware issue? or is it a known problem with ubuntu 20.04?

How long is a while?

like, ballpark of hours, days or weeks?

I have only really done an uptime of 30 hours, and it still detected near the end.

20.04 ubuntu, on x399 asrock

It is almost certainly some kind of power management problem.

Play around with disabling ASPM. This page is for wireless but has the information:

Also check in the power control settings for your USB controllers. You can find it in directories like /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/. I can’t describe what they all do but look it up.

Between 15 to 30 i would guess… but usb that are plugged in still works, just new ones won’t detect.

Thank! I’ll look it up!

hum… update. didnt understand all the power setting for the usb, must look more into it.

did a lsusb while my keyboard and mouse wasnt working ( seperate usb keyboard/mouse combo that i didnt unplug so still worked) and my razer mouse and keyboard was still there. Just tried something, i logged off. as soon as i logged off, my main keyboard and mouse is responsive again.

things are weird in here lol.