Usb ports cutting out

i have a asus 990fx sabretooth v1 and have this odd problem where things connected via usb would cut out then reconnect 

my usb wireless dongle would disconnect then reconnect and at the same time the usb hardrives would then pop up again (as if i had just connected them )

now all this happens on the back I/O but i do have a case usb connected by pins and tried the wireless dongle on that and it would happen aswell 

if anyone could help i would be greatfull (oh i dunno if this is important but it tends to happen when i am downloading or uploading stuff (but not always) the last cut out happened when i was uploading stuff to youtube)

All your drivers up to scratch? How is it in linux (just run a distro off a usb for a bit)?

Could very well be the usb controller shitting itself - maybe worth looking into rma'ing it if its still under warranty.

Other option is to get a pci/e usb port hub.

yeah upto date drivers not tried linux yet may give that a try though cheers 


Well out of warranty now :(  may give everything a reinstall and see how that goes