USB headset help!

I just bought a USB headset, and it is not detected in my realtek control panel. The problem with that is that I cannot turn on Background noise suppression. So can anyone help me turn this feature on?

nvm that wont work

I'm pretty sure the realtek control panel only works with the soundcard (let it be onboard or not)... So if there is no USB on the soundcard then theres no detection.. Just in my opinion.

yeah sonata is correct.. usb headsets have there own soundcard built in so realtek doesnt detect it

Is there any way to reduce background noise, eveyone hears everything I listen to in skype.

Does the headset not come with some kind of software, that you could might use ?

Nah it doesn't, it had a little disk but the disc only had Skype on it.

Aren't there anyother sound- software, than Realtek, that u could try ?

Now I'm using my Creative sound card that came with my X58 board. Still no luck though.

hmm.. Im out of ideas.

Shit thanks anyway man, I guess I should just look up a program that cancels out background noise.

Good luck ;) tell me if you solve it :D