I’ve found some cheap USB flash drives to be incompatible, I have one ADATA that refuses to work with my Haswell desktop irregardless if plugged in directly or using a USB hub. Just move on as it’s something you won’t be able to fix in most cases.
I have a few USB3 devices that I found out would light up as I unplugged them, but not fully inserted, and only does this with a small number of USB sockets. I’d imagine they just weren’t perfectly formed or aligned at the factory. Perhaps they were within the allowed tolerance but to one extreme, and the sockets that don’t play nice are the same but to the other extreme. Try pulling it out a tiny bit on the sockets that don’t work properly. Alternatively you could try a new drive, try an extension, or only use the ports that work.
@diizzy it was above average as price at the time. It still has decent speed for a usb memory stick that’s not an ssd.
I’m just curious why it’s not working.
I was hypothesizing it’s something with the USB 3 write pin(s). But i’m not sure anymore as CrystalDiskMark is able to get sequential write speed numbers at que depts lower then 8.
What does this mean?
Huh, IIRC, gen3 pins are recessed/not as long as gen2/1 pins. I wonder if it makes a difference the depth inserted, perhaps it works in a fallback/older gen connection?
I could be wrong of course, and the activation point may be the same, even with shorter pins.
@KleerKut thank you, i tried your recommendation and it behaved the same, until, with 3/4 inserted it falls back to usb 2.0 speeds. So @Trooper_ish is right.
If you look at a usb 3, type a, male connector you will see 4 long bars (stripes?) on the blue plastic. These are the same as usb 2/1 connectors. Additionally for usb 3, 5 spring-like, bent, thinner bars are at the back of the connector.
But as i said, i’m beginning to doubt it’s the connections, as i get Seq 1Q1T advertised speed, but increasing queue depth to more significantly drops the speed. Seq 8Q1T gets so low that it is bellow 0.01MBs. Which is strange.