USB 3.1 in Phones?

So here are the three things I want when I buy my new phone.  I want a snapdragon 808 or 810, gorilla glass 4, and usb 3.1.  People say that a reversible usb plug is no big deal and they are absolutely true.  However it is still a small convince that would be nice to have.  The new Nokia tablet is going to use it, but I haven't seen anything else that is planned to use it.  When do you guys think that it is going to become standard in phones, will it be in this coming generation? or will it be a little longer?  Also would you guys like to have it in your phone, or do you really not care. 

It might take a while to reach below flagship models at least, for sake of being more expensive and initially rare. But anyway I'd look for the feature of wireless charging first and foremost. Having the option to charge without being dependant on any connector is very handy, even if you are mostly going to be charging with a cord.

I want some different shape of phone. If it keep goes rectangle, the design will be boring through the time. I think we reached spec wise, but design, nobody got it 100% right.

Well what shape do you want it to be? A triangle? A rectangle is really the only shape that makes sense.

USB 3.1 would be nice but I'd rather just have wireless charging. I never use USB to sync my phone so the speed isn't really necessary IT would be a nice convince though and I'm sure it will come soon enough.

I wish Samsung stuck with USB 3.1 on the Note series just because but people were confused by it...

like bendable and holographic looking just a big design that looks unlike any other rectangle phones.

I don't get why they removed it on Note 4

Because it confused people. They didn't understand it and didn't realize they could use their old microUSB stuff with it. It was an added expense and they worked out a different fast charging method.

But mainly it was because people didn't understand it.

Even if nobody jumps the type C bandwagon it will still happen. When apple is forced to use a universal connector by the EU I expect them to adopt type C. After that the rest will follow.

But I expect the change to happen before that.

I may be wrong, but I don't think the flash storage in the current phones would really take advantage of the speed so there wouldn't be much of a point in implementing it for that purpose. This seems to be the reason why USB 3 hasn't be implemented much in smartphones. The extra charging capability and the ability to push the standard into the mainstream are the only benefits.

It might be interesting to note, that use 3.1 (specifically the Type-C connector) might not be implemented in phones until EU regulation is updated to allow it. The standard USB 3.0 connection is allowed because its backwards compatible to micro-USB 2 connectors, something that is required in the EU on all phones.

If, IF, USB 3.1 actually got implemented on phone, i'd think it would be for the faster charging capability, since 80% of smartphone user don't even know that USB 3.0 or 3.1 exists, or the difference between them and 2.0.


For me personally, it definitely would be nice to reduce the charging time, i'm not a person who go out and party or work a lot, but whenever i do, i know the struggle when your phone is 40% and you need it full quickly

If it charges my phone faster, I'm all for it.

i have a 6000 mAh power bank, it's fairly small, so that makes it even less of a problem for me. But people who frequently go out party, hang out with friends or that sort of stuff might have a bit of a problem when they forgot to charge their phone and they have 20 or 30% left in their phone