Just as the title says
AHAHAAH WHAT THE FUCK, seriously, has your government lost its last shred of sanity?
Just as the title says
AHAHAAH WHAT THE FUCK, seriously, has your government lost its last shred of sanity?
This only serves to prove what should have been obvious by now: don't trust any US based company with anything.
At least Microsoft didn't just roll over and play dumb, they told the gov to take the long way around and go through their own system to get permission before handing over any data. So in that regard, Microsoft gets props from me.
Nooo... should I remind you how they treated their Russian employee, who worked in a Russian branch of Microsoft, who leaked an early Windows 8 build? They searched through his email, somehow the blogger who received the leaked version GOT HIS HOUSE PHYSICALLY SEARCHED, and then the said employee somehow ended up in good, ol' Murica where he got arrested.
The only reason Microsoft is fighting this is because they know that if they go by this decision there will be a cascade of repercussions from the countries who still haven't gone cuckoo.
Microsoft is only interested in its profits, haven't people learned this by now?
Every company is in the end only interested in its profits.
The bigger the company, the bigger the need for money.
Totally agree, I was just making the point that Microsoft did it out of self interest, not because of some loyalty towards the users or sense of justice. No props for that.
digital item ? huh?
So people can sue each other of +17 dexterity boots & +13 mana amulet or what ?
Anyway if the US wants to judge people they have no jurisdiction over, so what ? it's not like they can enforce any of their judgements, they couldn't even get Julian Assange extradited.
If they want to hack people all over the world, how is that any different from what they are doing now. Besides the more they hack people, the more we get know about backdoors.
IT-forensic people and Sysadmins are busy setting up honeypots, provoking Secrete service & also criminals to hack them in order to fish for new security holes.
Or do they just want to search though foreigners emails and cloud-storage... to make sure that really every last customer will avoid US services.
The more they want to grab control, the more people are going to take control away from them.