Ubuntu is seriously the slowest OS I've tried using.. Like I can't do shit on Ubuntu.. It won't even let me change the Visual Effects, and I've installed all my nvidia drivers..... Still slow.....
specs... and what distro are you using?
are you using xgl, berl, etc..?
I'm using 8.10 64bit (Intrepid Ibex) and my specs are:
Pentium D 930
8600 GTS
2 gigs of ddr2 800
abit ib9 mobo
and a 160gig sata hard drive......
Worked fine in Vista.....but I really think that it's my drivers, but I can't install the newest ones because I need to install it from root, which I can't, but I'm going to enable it in a sec and try installing 180.29, right now I'm on 177, but I got it from the Ubuntu install, not from nvidia's site...
It took me about 15-20 installs before I could not get Error 17 on boot, also, Ubuntu is my only OS now....
well... first, look into kubuntu... kde is a nice environment... but ubuntu shouldn't be that slow... it should be fine with a clean install.
I've given up on osx... gonna install a version of linux on the laptop.
I've pretty much just narrowed all my problems down to my graphics card drivers, I've got it now...... I'm going to try running a C:SS test to see if it got better.....
hmm... anyone with nvidia have suggestions... I'll let you know how my ati 2400 works on the laptop.
BTW... while looking at different distros I came across ubuntu: Satanic Edition ...
I am not going to use it but there are some evil wallpapers over here:
http://ubuntusatanic.org/screenshots.php -warning... nudity
okay, I found out my problem, it was just the X server, had to stop it.... Now I'll do some C:SS testing.
still unplayable.... hrmmmm
you trying to run steam... ?
My Wine configuration seems fine, and yeah.... But the fact that my windows get the "laggy mirror" effect when I move em tells me it's not just Wine that's being slow.
example of laggy window
(not my desktop)
you should try using linux mint.
I want ubuntu, because
a) only one more cd left to use
b) i've spent 6 hours trying to get it at least working.