Urgent Help Needed!

The keyboard on my laptop has completely stopped working. I’m running windows 10 64 bit.
I’ve tried reinstalling drivers. Restarting my computer didn’t help.
The only thing that is working is the back light on the keyboard.
i think there is something wrong with the application that disables the keyboard when i fold my laptop over into tablet mode. almost as if my laptop is stuck in tablet mode. But when i manually turn off tablet mode, the keyboard is still not working.

my Laptop is an Asus Q502LA-BBI5T15
Until now I’ve loved this laptop and I would really appreciate any help i can get.
The sooner the better cause using the onscreen keyboard sucks. Luckily the touch screen still works, otherwise I would have typed this out with my mouse.

I use the on screen kb all the time , I know how it is in terms of how much you want to type and how long it takes.

Do easy stuff first , try systems restore to a point when it was working.

Oops, forgot to add that I had done a system restore. I'm kinda running out of options here.

If you plug a keyboard in does it work?

You may need to replace the keyboard.

it's also possible the "switch" that senses if it's in "tablet" mode may be stuck in the "off" position.

which would also require repair.

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was the keyboard ever working on windows 10?

I don't have a spare keyboard at the moment. I'm living in a dorm. I won't have access to one for a couple of days, but I'm willing to bet that a usb keyboard will work. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.

I've been running Win 10 ever since I got the laptop several months ago.

as far as spare keyboard if you're at a university just walk to the library and use one of their keyboards , might at least narrow it down to just the laptops keyboard rather than any keyboard the machine is using.

Did you spill anything on the keyboard?

Because all laptops keyboard instantly fry when you spill even just the smallest amount of liquid on them.

1) shutdown
2) unplug battery for 30 seconds
3) ???
4) profit

I booted into my laptop's UEFI and the keyboard still wasn't working. I'm thoroughly convinced that it is a hardware problem.

Did you try what I said?

I got home today and found myself a screwdriver. I popped open the back of my laptop and looked around. I found that the ribbon cable that connects the keyboard to the motherboard wasn't properly latched all the way down. I guess this happened when I had set the laptop down on my desk a bit too hard. Oops! So now everything is fixed, and I am glad to say that I typed this with my formerly dysfunctional keyboard. Couldn't be happier that it was just a simple fix. But now I need to borrow my stepmother's hot glue gun and make sure this doesn't happen again.

Thanks for all your help even if it didn't resolve my problem.


Glad to hear you fixed it! I don't think hot glue will be necessary. Electrical tape should suffice, as well as more gentle handling.

Not true...at least many years ago. My roommate once knocked his beer onto my laptop. About half the bottle emptied onto it. Soaked it up with paper towels, washed the keycaps, and let them dry, never had a problem.

was it on?

Yep, it was on at the time. It was a Dell Inspiron something-or-other.