
Okay so in my rig i have:

Core 2 duo e7200

2GB corsair value select (please don't laugh)


ASUS 8800GTS 320MB (like 2 years old)

Seagate Barracuda 250GB (honestly don't need more)

Raidmax Smilodon Case

now, im reconsidering buying the CM-690 (i just saw it at NCIX and i love it, again) so i'll probably buy that... but im wondering, can you guys suggest any videocards? i know the ram is a bottleneck so i'll probably go out and buy 4GB gskill... I know a 9800GT isn't a upgrade, a 9800GTX will set me back too much, a GTS250 is not much cheaper, a 4850 is the equivalent when it comes to price... i was thinking of the revised 4830, but is there anything i can buy NOW?

Ha, Same, i was thinking of the CM-690 too, but i want a window mod but it looks like its impossible with the award fan hole position. Other than that it seems pretty good.

The 4GB GSkill is a good idea.

Don't bother with the video card, the performance is gonna be like so minimal, maybe at max 20%. If you really want a video card upgrade go for at least a 4870 or GTX 260.

4GB Dominators :3

Dont upgrade the GPU its fine for now.

CM-690 dont get it, but you can put a window in someone else in the forums did it.

4GB G-Skill is great ram, I will only build computers with G-Skill or Corsair Ram.

My build is Corsair, my last clients build was G-Skill 4GB and my next clients build which im doing in a couple days will have G-Skill depends on how much money he gives me.

Instead of the 690 get a 900 or 902 or even a full tower. I regret not going full tower.

HumorusPrawn wrote 2 minutes ago »

Dont upgrade the GPU its fine for now.

CM-690 dont get it, but you can put a window in someone else in the forums did it.

4GB G-Skill is great ram, I will only build computers with G-Skill or Corsair Ram.

My build is Corsair, my last clients build was G-Skill 4GB and my next clients build which im doing in a couple days will have G-Skill depends on how much money he gives me.

Instead of the 690 get a 900 or 902 or even a full tower. I regret not going full tower.

Really? Who did? I wanna see how. Cause the side panels, fan holes are so close to the edge i dont see how you can use u channel there.

21DD23 wrote 8 minutes ago »

HumorusPrawn wrote 2 minutes ago »

Dont upgrade the GPU its fine for now.

CM-690 dont get it, but you can put a window in someone else in the forums did it.

4GB G-Skill is great ram, I will only build computers with G-Skill or Corsair Ram.

My build is Corsair, my last clients build was G-Skill 4GB and my next clients build which im doing in a couple days will have G-Skill depends on how much money he gives me.

Instead of the 690 get a 900 or 902 or even a full tower. I regret not going full tower.

Really? Who did? I wanna see how. Cause the side panels, fan holes are so close to the edge i dont see how you can use u channel there.

Here ill try to find the picture, he has U channel and everything.

EDIT: Here it is


lol matx cases.

smilodon is a fine case, no need to upgrade tat, just get a 260GTX

Thanks Humorus.

It's so sad how i commented on that and totally forgot about it.

actually, i don't exactly LIKE the look of the 900 or the 902... i love the 690 and its like 60 bucks cheaper than the 900 or 902 in canada.. so i think i'll skip out on the gpu and get the gskill like this saturday... vista on service pack 1 recognizes 4gb right?

50CalPotato wrote 4 minutes ago »

actually, i don't exactly LIKE the look of the 900 or the 902... i love the 690 and its like 60 bucks cheaper than the 900 or 902 in canada.. so i think i'll skip out on the gpu and get the gskill like this saturday... vista on service pack 1 recognizes 4gb right?

If you have a 32 bit OS the most it can recognize is like 3gigs but the system can use all 4 (or something like that) but if its 64 bit you have no worries cause its somewhere like 12 gbs. I dont think service pack matters either...

ah well, my ram is currently 2gb ddr2 667, i think if i get 4gb ddr2 1000 it'll make a big difference, especially in vista.

50CalPotato wrote 4 minutes ago »

ah well, my ram is currently 2gb ddr2 667, i think if i get 4gb ddr2 1000 it'll make a big difference, especially in vista.

4 gigs of ddr2 is the way to go in vista, the faster the better but dont shell out more than 100 bucks... I would say at the most spend like 60-70 bucks american but anything at or past 800mhz seem to work fine for me

Just get a GTX 260 core 216 dude

SLI_boy wrote 3 minutes ago »

Just get a GTX 260 core 216 dude

waaaaaayyyyy too much money for me, christ im near broke..

21DD23 wrote 1 hour ago »

Ha, Same, i was thinking of the CM-690 too, but i want a window mod but it looks like its impossible with the award fan hole position. Other than that it seems pretty good.

The 4GB GSkill is a good idea.

Don't bother with the video card, the performance is gonna be like so minimal, maybe at max 20%. If you really want a video card upgrade go for at least a 4870 or GTX 260.

AHEM. http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=30976&vpn=NV-690C-KWN1-GP&manufacture=COOLERMASTER

yes, i was looking at it too, but i think i'll go for something WITHOUT the nvidia theme, i'll just buy the normal one and make a much bigger window.

the Coolermaster NV-690 is a great case its actually only a few inches from full tower its much bigger than mid tower i would get the regular one though becuase im not a fanboy so if i ever decide to go ati lol it wouldn't work

Ya, get a core 216 but if you cant get money then get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102822 then sell your 8800gts it would be almost a free upgrade and wait till you need a newer gpu. Also buy a 4GB kit.

When i meant mod window, i meant like modding it myself, like cutting myself etc.

not buying the pre modded windowed nvidia case, or just buying the window side panel separately