Upgrading: What to get?

So here is what I currently have:

Phenom II x2 955 BE (when its nice it goes to x4)

8GB G.Skills ripjaws 1333 (2x4GB)

Radeon HD 6770 (1GB GDDR5l

Seasonic X 650Watt 

MSI 970g45 (can't remember exactly off the top of my head) AM3+


So I have $200 and no clue what to get, a 7870 2GB or an 8320 and some more ram.. 

What do you guys think?

So basically your CPU cannot unlock..


Get a new CPU (8320)

My CPU is unlocked. It is just the motherboard isn't made for unlocking the cores as my previous one was. 

Get an APU then.

I would buy the GPU and when you get cashed up again, get an 8350 and a 990FX mobo and you will then be sitting pretty!

As Spiral said, GPU first, CPU/Mobo/RAM later.

In all honesty an APU isn't powerful enough for ,me. I do advanced threading with rendering. Also why would I want to buy a new motherboard to replace a 2 month motherboard to buy another processor which would total more and still be slower..