Upgrading need help

Currently i have :

Mobo: Asrock 990FX extreme3

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7700

CPU: AMD FX 6300

RAM: Corsair vengence DDR3 8GB

No after market cooler 

Non modular psu dont no the make (used it for a year now)

And a crappy case that offers no cable managment and is loud

I have £70 give or take could get more and need to upgrade either the Cpu fan (have a stock one) or the case atm and i am wondering what the best option would be, and what i should upgrade say in a years time (full specs can be listed if needed)

I have also asked a question of which case would be the best and if you have any suggestions then please leave them


All help is welcomed 



Hyper 212, and a Corsair 200r

really need some more options but i do like the hyper 212

If it is more than 70.. then I would get this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/X077

If you cant get more then this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1gpBw

I like the NZXT source 220 because it comes with 2 fans and they do quality stuff. You can put the fans in the front for good dust control and cooling.

If you have less than 70 then I would recommend this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1ytsb

This is a underappreciated case that also comes with 2 fans and lots of room for cable management.

source 220 might not have the clearance for a hyper 212

I looked around and found that it does fit. There are lots of images on google of the two fitting together. It is close, but it fits without problems.

i do want the hyper 212 but ill probably save seperate money for that and spend around 70 on a case because im going to keep it for a while (3 years plus) so it would need to be big enough to store any future upgrades

Really need some help on what to do

I would recommend some of these for around that price range:





Any of these are good. The antec P280 is also good if you can find it on sale in a store or something.

Hi Forum

  I have an older computer I'd like to upgrade but I'm a near total newbie so I need the advice of some veterans on how to boost it up to maximum. The computer is a HP Pavilion p6313w


Please make a new thread!