Upgrading my RAM

OK, so for my new build i thought i would get new ram.

I'm really open to any suggestions to the best deal or best performance, etc.

or should just get these


I have them.... They work fine, but dont get fooled by the "sli" marketing lol.. They just look good.

can you recommend any others or are they the best?



I have the Dominators, it is awesome ram, they stay ICE cold and run at great frequencies

I'm sorry but those are WAY too expensive for my taste.

Thanks for suggesting them though!

I have Two sets of them they work perfect oced them to @ 1150MHz running stable and strong i highly recommend you pick up a few sets

1066 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820146785
800 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820146726

Enjoy them, I own the 1066.

Thats one nice piece of ram you got there snowman! :D


im using ddr3 corsair (2gb sticks) running at 1600mhz.... would highly recommend. i have 8 gigs of it :D

Well i think I am going to go with the 1066's. Thank you everyone for your suggestions!

I appreciate all the help!