Upgrading my old PC

Hey, I built my PC over 6 months ago, it was a budget build and the specs are okay but I have started to upgrade it. CPU was AMD FX 4100, now a AMD FX 8350, GPU always been a 7850, MOBOARD- was a Micro ATX n68-vsw upgrading to a ATX Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 AMD 970 / SB950, RAM- is 8gb 1333MHZ, not sure what to upgrade to. The only problem is that the RAM is quite slow and I want to upgrade it to 2000MHZ+ but I don't know any decent companies that do 8gb 2000mhz+ RAM for under about $80. Can someone please reccomend some ram that is 8gb and over 2000MHZ please?

Use 1866mhz (it will be more stable) and you whont notice the difernce anless your doing video work.

i would upgrade the mobo to a overlclocking one with a 8+2 or 12+2 power phase and clock that 8 core up ^_^ but thats just me 

AMD FX processors use 1866 ram natively. Get a dual channel 1866mhz kit and you will be fine.   
Good CPU/Mobo choice man!