Upgrading my FX-6300

So lately I've noticed that my FX-6300 has been struggling to keep up with my GTX 970 and in think its time for an upgrade. problem is im tight on money since i'm unemployed and still in High School. So as soon as i learned that the new I3-6100 out performs my FX-6300 i knew that that would probably be my best bet for an upgrade. But then i started thinking about it being future proof and if it doesnt me having to dish out more money than i should and thought about the I5-6600 as a viable option. And then there is the issue about cable manage ment in my case and whether or not my CPU cooler would fit on the motherboard. So i've come to the forums to seek advice and guidance. I will post links to the specifications to my pc and the upgrades i am looking at in this post. Feel free to leave any advice or comments on this topic.
My current PC build: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/JYP6Mp (Built it when i was 13, i am now 15 so some pictures might be cringe worthy)
My I3 upgrade kit.: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/RelapseLife/saved/4DngXL
My I5 upgrade kit : http://pcpartpicker.com/user/RelapseLife/saved/L2jV3C

Why not just reuse your case and save money? That way you can get the i5 build.

Also just buy whatever RAM is the cheapest.

I would go with something like this and also if you already have ddr3 ram you can take that out

Regular DDR3 doesn't play well with skylake, gotta have DDR3L apparently


Yes and no...
Gaming - Yes it will... Other things - may be not... And even gaming is questionable, or atleast will be as soon as Microsoft forces W10 and DX12 down everybody's throats...
Now, if you can hold up for now, you may want to for about another year...
If you really want the speed bump - i can justify i5... I can't i3... Go i5...

I kinda want the motherboard to be future proof that way i can upgrade to an i5 or even an i7 down the road if i go with the i3.

Get the i5, also DDR4 doesn't really matter for consumers

I think that was a reply to be what I suggested was not skylake but haswell

Eh, I'd go for skylake, since you get USB 3.1 which isn't available I don't think on haswell

Have you overclocked your FX6300, the link to your current build is taking me to a log in page, what mobo do you have?

Link should be fixed https://pcpartpicker.com/b/JYP6Mp. i feel like you should see the awful cable management this motherboard and case combo supports.

Hmm ya not really a overclock mobo. When you say "future proof" keep in mind that is going to be less than 2 years not many people swapping out ivybridge i5s for i7s today unless they get a deal on a used one, my point being the tech clock moves pretty fast.

Sandy bridge i5 just as good as current i5 in gaming, little difference, not worth the performance %/$ .
Not that fast at all I say, unless you count the massive storage speed imporvements from haswell until now. But for games, the difference is miniscule.

Oh man i feel like caveman with mine fx 6300. It is the best cpu i had so far and it still rocks in games and occasional rendering in blender

if you could afford an upgrade to the i5-6600 then its totaly worth any penny.
And i would totaly recommend it.
In terms of a cooler, the i5-6600 comes in two versions a tray version and a boxed version.
The box version contains a stock cooler, so if you dont have cash for a cooler, then grab the boxed version.

Otherwise a cheap cooler like Coolermaster 212 EVO would do the job.

DDR4 costs just as much as DDR3 nowdays, so that should not be a big deal.
There are a couple of boards that support DDR3, but yeah i would say just grab DDR4.
You can allways sell your current FX6300 + mobo and DDR3 ram, to get a bit of money back.

You could also just do a patch job and get an 8350 and save until zen comes out.

That will not make much sense for gaming i think.

sure it does, It wont be as high of performance boost, but it will be nowhere near the cost. And I have serious doubts about a 970 "bottlenecking" an 8350.

Most games usaly dont use more then 4 main threads, so going with a FX8350 will not realy be a big benefit in allot of games.
Only in certain games like BF4 or Watchdogs maybe.

The FX8350 does bottleneck a GTX970 atleast in cpu demending games at 1080p, like MMO's for example.
or cpu demending gaming scenario´s, like heavy multiplayers.

or just grab an intel i5 4460 or a intel xeon 1231v3 and a cheap b85 board will do.