So I'm finally breaking down upgrading my old Antec 1200 Case to a new Corsair Graphite 780T series case. (YAY).
I sorta want to swap out the fans that are included with higher end aftermarket fans, but the case includes:
Front: 2 x 140mm
Rear: 1 x 140mm
I don't know exactly what I want to do with the fans. It supports top mounted fans at the roof of the case too.
I sorta want to swap the 2 140mm fans with 3 120mm fans just so its 3 fans pushing air which would seem like more air is being moved I assume.
Here are my choices:
(Using built in case fan controller) (only supports 5 fans)
Front 2x140mm
Rear 1x140mm
Top 2x140mm
(Use aftermarket fan controller that'll take up one optical bay slot)
Front either 2x140mm or 3x120mm
Rear 1x140mm
Top 2x140mm or 3x120mm
(OR use the built in case fan controller with a aftermarket controller like this one)
Front either 2x140mm or 3x120mm
Rear 1x140mm
Top 2x140mm or 3x120mm
Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. Also I'm looking for good aftermarket fans that are quiet and push a lot of air. (plain design not looking for LEDs or anything.)