So Time Warner has finally got around to upgrading the local speeds and which means I need a new modem if I am going to take advantage. I don't want to give those cunts another cent so I am looking to buy my own cable modem (3 hours on hold today finally disconnected). Unfortunately the world of modems is not in my wheel house so I need advice.
I am looking for a DOCSIS 3.0 16x4 channel modem. I already have routers and don't really like the idea of stuffing a wifi router in with the modem, but it seems like that is what almost everyone is doing. I have looked around and am really having a hard time finding even one with wifi in it. They appear to be sold out everywhere. Any advice on what to buy and where is much appreciated.
PS- TW doesn't offer 16 channel units so breaking down and going to them isn't an option. Not that I would consider it. A pox on all ISPs...
good advice ... most AIO devices are sketchy at best