I need to upgrade my home network and need some honest opinions.
What I would like to do is have 2 separate networks at home. 1 hardened network, and 1 more relaxed network for the family with a isolated guest wifi network for visitors. Currently I have moved into a new place, and the ISP gave me one of those crappy all in one modem / routers. I want to get rid of that thing and purchase my own Modem (no wireless capability just a pass through modem) and add 2 routers running 2 differently configured networks.
Is it possible to configure a router to run VPN over certain Ethernet ports forcing whatever device is plugged into such ethernet port to connect over VPN, and likewise to have 2 SSID’s broadcast 1 forcing all connections to go through VPN and 1 to go through normally?
Looking to set up the home network to be as secure as possible without being a nightmare to manage. Networking is my weakest link, so I am looking to learn more and improve my home network in the process. Most of my personal devices I use to play with or work with are hard wired in. So the hardened network priority is wired connections (at least 4), while the relaxed network has to have good wifi.
How do you configure your home / lab network ?
How do you block Ads / Trackers / Malware ?
What Routers do you recommend (prefer OSS) ?
Thanks for taking the time to read and reply. Cheers