Hey guys, which one is better? I'm looking around for cards and I'm interested in the MSI Hawk Or the HIS IceQ. Which one is better overall? as in quieter, faster and more overcloakable? I've tried looking around the net but havent found any clear answers :( Any help would be appreciated!
Its a quiet morning at the syndicate :(
go msi, the aftermarket cooler is far superior. you will be able to pull a higer and more stable oc or just run it cooler at stock. im using the msi twin frozr and that's a grade down from the hawken but i can OC the balls off my gtx 660 and nvidia cards don't even OC aswell as amd cards. say's it all really
Allright, thanks for the insight :) Experience > random bla bla bla
Out of those two cards, I'd get the MSI 7870. Although for the same price, an even better option would be the Sapphire 7870 XT. It has a similar cooler to the MSI, and has much better performance than the stock 7870.
Matman24, the Sapphire 7870 XT is a Tahiti le card, that thing is packing an extra 256 stream micro proccesors! you would have to oc a normal 7870 just to match it at stock lol, but the tahiti cards are the new bang for buck in my eyes.
Well its out of stock.. (GG) Maybe I can find this Tahiti card somewhere else
Well found it in amazon. 250$ a bit cheaper than the MSI hawk tbh. Though the hawk seems to have better components and the dust removal (Not sure just HOW much of an impact it makes if you clean your components every 3 months)