Hello! So I have been rocking an A10-6800k in my system for a quite a while now...and it's really disappointing me with its poor performance in games. I've been thinking about upgrading but I am not sure what should I get.
First. I am looking bit more value option and i've been leaning torwards Athlon 860k and Pentium G3258 AE.
Second. Im going to build it in ITX form factor.
Other things to take note of. My buying decision will be based almost purely on performance. I would also like to point out that I will mostly game on my system but if there is anything to point out about overall system performance I would like to hear it. Overall system price will be about the same either i go with AMD or Intel. So there is no significant price difference to talk about. I am going to overclock both CPUs so of course overclocked performance matters.
I would like to know what do you think about the upgrading paths of both platforms? Theres been rumours that the next generation Carrizo APUs will use same socket FM2+ which would offer an upgrade path of some sort. Intel path of course is going to be Broadwell and I think that the performance of Intel processors will remain good.
So things I think I already know. In games that are being played today Pentium performs overall better than Athlon when overclocked. excluding some heavily threaded games like battlefield 4 (Multiplayer) where performance of both processors will be similar or Athlon pulls ahead by a little margin.
And lastly which system would be more "future proof". Im hoping that one of these processors would carry my system at least to a point when i have money to buy a better CPU from Intel or AMD.
I hope you guys correct me if I was wrong about something.
If you are going to do any of this, I think your going about it completely wrong. The 6800k is a great chip for what it is, so a "side grade" to the 860k and the g3258 is a complete waste of time. Sure they may be a LITTLE faster, but it is by no means a worthwhile upgrade. at all.
I would go with, in your situation, a Core i5 4690k. Or you could save some money & buy a locked one, either way at STOCK it will outperform all of the above mentioned CPUs, WHILE THEY ARE OVERCLOCKED.
I suggest the ASRock Z97 ITX board w/ wireless AC (forget the exact model number) I used that board for a friends build and it works great.
Now you have a great base system, quad core, and an upgrade path to Broadwell (which may or may not be relevant, with Skylake).
Or just skip the middle step, and upgrade your CPU/mobo/RAM next year. Your CPU is by no means a bad chip. But dont waste your money at these stupid middle steps. Invest the money and buy the right thing for your needs. These little band-aids and side grades are going to do nothing but cost you money, time, and probably a great deal of frustration.
Although it is debatable that if you can get a good overclock on the G3258, gaming isn't an issue.
Most games are GPU-bound. An a10-6800k is equivalent to an Athlon 760k. An 860k isn't much of an upgrade. Check to see if you are CPU or GPU bound first, and if you can overclock to help reduce these bottlenecks.
Ok you guys have a point there. But you know the feeling when new hardware is released :D . But on the otherhand I do notice some bad minimum framerates (currently overclocked my 6800k to 4.5ghz havent updated my profile) in many games for example borderlands 2,battlefield 3,4, unreal 3 games and such. Ok so when you turn up the video settings in game the game obviously becomes more GPU bound. The problem tho is that framerates in newer and some older demanding games will not be very good with everything on max with my 270x regardless of the CPU. Bigger problem however is that when I turn settings down a bit, there will be no noticeable lift in framerate because my CPU cant handle the load which will be moved from graphics card to it. My friend owns a 4670k and a gtx 560 which actually in many cases offer better experience due to the often more consistent better overall framerates with lower settings. Which of course isnt a fair comparison because im looking for a Pentium not an i5 but just pointing that out.
they compare Athlon 750k with Pentium and Athlon 750k at 4.3ghz should be close to my CPU in performance and Pentium beats it in almost every game and most notably in minimum framerates. In these tests the Pentium is clocked 4.5ghz which is sounding like a very achievable overclock..even tho there is some silicon lottery going on it shouldn't be that bad.
Id sell you current setup and grab a new i5 and itx board, even if you can find a good 2nd hand i5/i7 z68, z77 cpu mb combo. Incremental upgrading from low end cpu to another low end cpu ends up costing more in the long run.
Yeah the pentium ae's are damn fine budget chips and perform just fine against it big brothers (when overclocked) but you're limited core wise.
Pair any i5/i7 with one of many awesome mini gpus that are getting and have been on the block - 760's, 750's and now the 970's and you'll have yourself a beast that will last a good while.. well longer than if you just go to another budget cpu..
So you currently have an R9 270X? That should pair well with the A10-6800K; I am not sure why you are experiencing performance issues. What games are you getting poor performance in? (Are you trying to run games on Ultra settings?)
I am running an A8-6600K, which is very equivalent to the A10-6800K, Same CPU just just weaker iGPU (can be slightly overclocked to match the performance of the A10)
I am also running my MSI R9 270 at stock speeds, which I think I have seen an improvement in gaming when I did a fresh install of windows. Since then I have had no performance degradation. I think the APU graphics drivers and the dedicated graphics drivers were interfering with each other.
Perhaps using a tool called Display Driver Uninstaller will help out a bit, LINK unless you don't mind doing a fresh install.
@Calculatron. I notice bad performance when playing Battlefield titles 3 and 4. Then I notice the drops in Borderlands 2 and in some other titles. And of course I am not going to run every title at Ultra presets with my PC that is just silly. I know what my PC can do.
Really? I might try this later but I thought I could post some FPS numbers from games where I get poor performance. You having a similar PC could try those games and see what kind of performance you are getting. If you have one, of course.
its all because intel cpu´s have better single threaded performance, in allmost every cpu bound game out there this makes allot sense.
if it was mine money and im low on cash, then i would look at an i3 or cheaper i5. with a H97 itx board, so no overclocking. But still better performance, wenn you have a dedicated gpu offcourse.
Sure I don't mind some benchmarks just tell me what games and what scenarios that I could try to recreate. Only if you want to though, or until you get a new CPU in meanwhile.