Upgrading budget pc

Hey guys

I recently build my own pc and this site was a great help. Now i am looking to upgrade my pc and i have a few questions.  I want to add a better cpu cooler ( i’m using the stock one now) and an extra gpu.

I know the amd a 10 is only compatible with a 6670 card, but can i still use a 2 gig 6670 card or a faster gddr 5 1 gig memory card?

Also since i’m using a micro atx motherboard i’m worried that a new cooler is too big, do you have any suggestions for a cpu cooler about 30-40 euros?

My specs

Amd a10 5800k

G.Skill 8 GB DDR3-1866

Asrock FM2 A75M-DGS

Corsair cx500 

Grab the one with the most memory. Tends to work out better. 


As for the CPU cooler,if you're looking for a moderate OC,try the CM Hyper 212 (Evo or plus),as for the GPU,I read an article comparing 2 GB DDR3 vs 1 GB DDR5,they stated that it was about double the bandwith or something like that,if I can find the article,I'll be sure to post it here.


This cooler looks so sweet, i'm buying one with my next cpu upgrade.

As for the Graphics card question. Get the 1gb GDDR5.

Putting 2gb of vram on a low-end card is like giving a fat kid 4 outfits that fit perfectly and then 4 more that are extremely small.