Upgrading APU System on Budget

My current setup is an OC'd A6-5400K 4.4GHz, 6GB of 1600MHz RAM (2+4GB dual-channel), and a 220w 80+ bronze PSU on the ASRock FM2A78M-ITX+ MOBO inside a mini-ITX slim case. From my research the RAM can't be OC'd. Having trouble deciding which option would give me the most gaming performance on a budget of 160$, give or take 10$ (lower the better).

I primarily play League of Legends, emulate Gamecube with Dolphin, and the occasional MMO along with misc. Steam games. Also with Skype, Pandora, and Joe Rogan or Tek Syndicate podcasts in the background =D. Current setup handles these decently, but I would like to enjoy them at higher settings, and access higher-end games (albeit at lower settings).

  • My current favorite option is the A8-7600 Kaveri for 105$ and hoping for a good Black Friday deal on some decent 2133MHz or 2400MHz RAM for around 60$. Like the low wattage, double current iGPU + cores (click comparison), and no RAM bottleneck, but will I feel the lower CPU clock in single thread performance in gaming or will the higher iGPU more than make up for it? Also, Mantle potential?
  • Keep my current 1600MHz RAM and just buy the A10-7850K Kaveri for 160$. I feel like this could be the strongest option despite the RAM bottleneck... Wouldn't be able to upgrade RAM for maybe at least a year if at all.
  • Buy a discrete GPU to either crossfire the A6-5400K iGPU (which I understand to be quite the terrible choice) or disable iGPU and have it carry the graphics. It'd have to be low-profile and wattage, but replacing my PSU and/or case is an option here. Wonder what the wattage of the CPU is minus the iGPU?

I get the feeling the difference between these is negligible, but if any of them standout as vastly superior to you, do tell. Could really use some handsome nerd advice...Thank you for your consideration! =3

Personally I would try to get the 7850K, currently $160 USD. Maybe some sort of deal will arise and it could be found for $120. You could attempt to do some slight overclocking on the RAM and perhaps try to sell the 5400K and try to extend the budget to purchase the 2400MHz RAM.

At this budget, I'd recommend just putting this GPU in and be done with it.


I doubt there would be a deal for the 7850K, especially for that cheap, in the near future since it recently had large price drop. This RAM is some generic OEM Kingston 11-11-11-28, and something I read awhile back got me afraid to OC'ing it. I'm a noob though, maybe I should try? How much extra wattage would OC'd RAM pull, and would it bring me too close to frying my PSU with a 95w APU? I'll sell the A6-5400K, but don't expect to get much for it being its been OC'd for almost a year. Thank you for the input.

Specs look great and it is low watt, but it doesn't appear to be low-profile? Also, would the A6-5400k's CPU bottleneck it at all? The idea of sitting with a weak "dual-core" trying to carry this GPU and streaming music and/or Skype worries me...Maybe I should only consider 4 core APUs? Dat gfx power tho, tough choice...Thank you.

Oh, did you need low profile?  There should be low profile GTX 750 ti by Galaxy and gigabytes, I believe.

Low profile GTX 750s are also a thing.  Just make sure you have two slots for the GPU.

If you can stretch your budget, look at the Athlon 750k, 760k, and 860k.  These are the A10-5800k, 6800k, and 7850k but with their integrated graphics disabled.  Good if you already have a dedicated GPU.