I cant access the list,
Your existing optical drive has a standard molex? Not sure why it needs replacing.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500367&cm_re=gt730-_-14-500-367-_-Product 730 is a bit better than 720 but things are pricey at the low end for what you get.
Seeing as you are upgrading the PSU a 2nd hand older card from eBay might be better, No point having DX11 with this level of hardware really.
I'm looking at the 512mb HD4770, dirt cheap over here but not that many about.
That PSU looks good for nothing ,14A is very low.
Not sure. Give me a few minutes, I'll open it up, maybe, see if you can help, upload a picture.
As for the list, I'll just link the parts directly.
This is the general look of the area.
The sticker on the PSU, if that helps.
And a close-up of the OD from the back and the connectors attached to it..
there's a limit to how much I can post so I edit an earlier post with my thoughts.
Sticking to a sub $200 budget. That's why I went with what I picked out. You think it's good?
Okay, so I want to replace the OD if I switch out the PSU. Really I could get it to work, especially if I get a decent PSU, but also because the OD isn't reading right, and I've opened it before. Cleaning won't help, the laser must be breaking down or something. It also has trouble ejecting disks.
Tell me what you think, I found an HD 5670 for just over $30, think that can handle Battlefield 1942 at 1440 x 900?
It's about the same or slightly better than a GT730 ,Yes.
Switch the OD by all means since it has issues but the eject problem is due to a dust/grime build-up on the black rubber band so it slips on the wheel and the tray wont open probably.
Thanks! I think I have a good list now. Comments on my PSU of choice? (It's not the one pictured, I'm replacing that)